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Way of proceeding

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We'll prepare you for the demands of a digital future

We have over 30 years experience and are familiar with the many different requirements in production and maintenance. This means that when realising your new solution, we pay a lot of attention to ensuring that the installation and conversion times are as short as possible and that the handover is as smooth as possible for your staff.

Customer-orientated procedure

Understanding processes, finding solutions, achieving results through teamwork – that’s our philosophy that has always proved successful in a wide variety of projects. All of our services that are employed during a project are aimed at implementing your solution quickly and sustainably.

1. detailed needs assessment

Working in close cooperation with you, we determine your actual require-ments and define the aim of the project.
IGH Vorgehen zur Bedarfserhebung
IGH Vorgehen zur Sichtung

2. on-site inspection of your surroundings

With every solution that we create for our client, we adopt a very targeted approach to finding an individual solution.

3. feasibility checks for your protection

With a feasibility check, we clarify whether the defined aim is also reliably achievable in the given circumstances.
IGH Vorgehen zur Machbarkeitsprüfung
IGH Vorgehen zum Umsetzungskonzept

4. detailed implementation concept

Our written quotation ensures you a fixed implementation price. The quotation includes an implementation concept and a schedule.

5. detailed project planning and control

We work out a project plan in the fine planning stage. This also specifies the new testing processes and interfaces in detail.
IGH Vorgehen zur Projektplanung
IGH Vorgehen zum Engineering

6. careful engineering of your solution

During the engineering stage, our technical experts prepare your solution ready for installation.

7. quick installation, configuration and integration

Finally, we assemble the new solution on your own premises, integrate it into your environment and commission it.
IGH Vorgehen zur Installation
IGH Vorgehen zur Abnahme

8. comprehensive support for the acceptance procedure

During the handover, you make sure that your solution incorporates the functions you require. We train your staff – and your new testing solution can go operational.